On a small plantation in Argyll thousands of tea plants are growing

They are small but they are mighty and they make a brew like no other! Like wine, a perfectly delicious cup of tea is born out of the terroir where the leaf is grown and like a good whisky, the processing of this leaf is key to achieving the best characteristics possible.  We are currently developing Glen Caladh Tea, a single estate tea, grown in one place, blended with nothing, nourished (and battered!) by a Scottish climate and full of character as a result!

There is joy in that leaf, buy it loose, brew it carefully, let it unfurl. Don’t mourn the broken leaf imprisoned in the bag, it is of another world that we can leave behind.




·      The terroir is key.

·      Tea is growing outside in Argyll, Scotland where the conditions influence it’s flavour

·      A tea of single origin, from a single tea garden with the elements to favourably influence the taste of that beverage seems to us, like a magical thing.

·      Amongst other conditions, Argyll has heavy rainfall, an acid soil, a cool climate with temperate rainforest making it suitable for Camellia sinensis.

·      A definingly British drink being grown in Scotland we hope will help an understanding and appreciation of this beverage, the lengths that are gone to, or not as the case may be…

·      A focus on making high quality tea using traditional tea processing techniques.

·      Transparency is important


In Japan the first flush green teas of the season are a THING! There is a huge variety in the style and character of teas produced worldwide.  We think that in the UK people are beginning to look for higher quality, great tasting, loose teas with health benefits and without plastic.  We would like to support this exploration into tea and offer a tea that tastes exceptional.

·      Conditions at Glen Caladh Farm are similar in atmosphere and temperature to high grown tea regions famous for their refined, high quality teas.

·      The micro climate at Glen Caladh Farm is key to the unique flavour.  Low hanging mist, shelter, heavy rain, sunshine and natural shade are helping the plantation develop Scottish roots. 

·      Glen Caladh Tea promises exceptional flavours and characteristics influenced by the terroir and orthodox processing method.

·      Orthodox tea and CTC tea (cut tear curl tea) refers to the 2 methods of processing tea leaf, Glen Caladh Tea will use the orthodox method, being a more refined process where the most desirable and refined characteristics can be discovered.

·      Glen Caladh leaf is undergoing a period of development, where (in a nutshell) timing, humidity and temperature are critical during the stages of tea making - withering, rolling, oxidising and drying that young leaf to bring out the desired flavour and texture. Changing these variables and conditions can bring about startlingly different results.

·      We are working with the Scottish Tea Factory to create our first black tea and can’t wait to share it with you!

·      Our first teas, processed together with other Scottish gardens exhibit beautiful characteristics and flavours.

Nature and People

At the farm we practice…

·     Organic growing

·     Renewable hydro energy

·      Educating in organic growing through horticultural practice

·      Good working conditions

·      Encouraging and incorporating fauna and flora for greater biodiversity

·      Regenerating the soil

·      Agri-forestry 

·      Self-sufficiency where possible

·      A farm to cup approach